photo by Ingun

photo by Ingun


fredag 11. april 2014

Dobbel trubel

9 kommentarer:

John sa...

Is it ice crystals? sa...

Interesting…but don`t know what it is either. Some details of a leave or flower?

Carver sa...

Very interesting shot. sa...

Somtime is funny to make ny thing!
Look at the original:

From Ingun

Dragonstar sa...

Fascinating effect! I love the shapes.

HansHB sa...

Herlig b&w komposisjon!
Mitt innlegg finner du her:

Monica S Engell sa...

Spennende, Ingun... som en abstrakt, dette!
Ha en flott helg:)

Hull and Hereabouts sa...

WEll now depending how you look at it, it could be an upturned boat on a lakeshore turned through 90 degrees.

Jarek sa...

Wonderful in black and white